Thursday, March 26, 2020

Plague of Athens Compared to COVID-19

Today, not in class, we compared the plague that hit Athens after the Peloponnesian war with COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Of course, the big difference between the two is location. The Athenian plague originated in Africa whereas COVID-19 originated in China. Below are more facts about both diseases.

Plague of Athens:

  • killed 25% of Athens population
    infected 75,000-100,000 of Athenians
  • plague is caused by some diseases such as influenza, typhoid fever, bubonic plague, smallpox, measles, and many more.
  • affects people of different age groups and genders (not targeted on specific age group/gender)
  • killed about 23,588 people in the world
  • about 519,899 are infected in the world (China, Italy, and the U.S are the countries with the most cases in order from greatest to least)
  • Symptoms include fever, tiredness, and a dry cough
  • affects mainly older people and those with medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, and/or heart disease.
Similarities between the two:
  • massive damage to the world
  • weakened the strength of the people and the government
  • both occurred during an important event with their government/army
  • very deadly

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding (not in class) work, Joi. It's amazing and sad that in the 24 hours since you posted, the US has moved to #1 in cases of COVID-19. That's how quickly things can change. Good luck to all of us! And thanks for some great blogging.
