Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Philip II, Alexander the Great, and Darius III

Today, not in class, we researched three different historical figures: Philip II, Alexander the Great, and Darius III. Below are facts about each person. They all shared one important thing in common.
They all tried to beat each other in battle. Alexander and Philip tried to defeat Darius in the Persian war, and Darius tried to defeat them but failed.

Philip II:
He was a king and military commander of Macedonia. Philip turned Macedonia from a weak, undisciplined army to a strong military force, and he also used bribery, warfare, and other certain threats to expand his kingdom. He had two main goals at the time: safeguard Macedonia's borders and reorganize their army. Over the years, he increased the army from 10,000 to 24,000 and grew the cavalry from 600 to 3,500. One of Philip's exes, Pausanias, stabbed Philip to death.


Alexander the Great:
He was born and was mainly raised under the influence of his mom. When Philip married Cleopatra, him and Alex had an argument. Once Philip was assassinated, Alex got the throne. Alex then began the great Persian expedition. Alex conquered city by city until he faced his greatest enemy, Darius. He beat Darius in the battle and conquered Phoenicia, Egypt, and Babylon. Alex then went on to India and conquered it. After that, he wanted to continue his expedition, but his troops refused, forcing Alex to go home. It is said that Alex died of a fever aggravated from drinking a lot, but many think that Aristotle, his old mentor, poisoned him.


Darius III:
He started ruling in 336 BC right when Persia started losing great control. Darius had to strengthen his army in preparation of Alexander the Great's army. It is said that he failed this mission during the fall of Persia in 330 BC. Bagoas, a eunuch, attempted to poison Darius, but Darius was too smart to fall for that trick. Instead, he actually had Bagoas drink his own poison. During his first war with Alexander, he was defeated and fled his family, who later became royalty in Alex's kingdom. During the second battle, he was defeated again. When he tried to flee, however, he was killed by of his commanders of the Persian army.


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