Monday, March 16, 2020


Today, not in class, we read pg. 134-139 in the comfort and safety of our own home. It was the first day on cyber class, and I think it went ok. For others, it might not have went well. Below are the answers (in paragraph form) from today's assignment.

Pericles was a wise statesman who led Athens during most of the golden age period. He was honest and fair, and he held onto support for 32 years. He was a good politician, speaker, and general. He dominated the Athenian lifestyle from 461-429 BC which is often called the age of Pericles. He had three goals:

  • strengthen democracy
  • hold and strengthen the empire
  • glorify Athens
Direct democracy is a form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives. Pericles was very proud of the start of the Athenian direct democracy. Instead of only male, land owning citizens acting as speakers, all citizens could speak. The Delian League was the alliance of the Greek city-states led by Athens in the time period of 478 BC. Their goal was to liberate Greek cities from the Persian rule and for defense to attack the Persians later on in time.

1 comment:

  1. Here, not in class, from the comfort and safety of my home, I give you ten out of ten. Nice work, Joi!
