Thursday, March 12, 2020

Corona Virus Attacks

Today in class, we talked about the Corona Virus. Mr. Schick provided us with very useful information about the Corona virus. Some of it I already knew like where it originated from: China. But there was a lot of info I didn't know. He gave us very useful tips for how to properly wash our hands. Below are the tips. He also told us that there would be a faculty meeting tomorrow at 12:45 after school on how to handle the situation. Later on, in the day, we received an email telling us that we will be learning online from March 16-27 (two whole weeks). Not only did they cancel in-school learning, but they also canceled all spring sports activities and the musical. This means that I won't be able to play golf with John Carroll for two weeks. But you got to do what you got to do to stay safe. One thing that has changed since the Corona Virus started is my perspective on the hand sanitizers in each classroom. I used to only use the sanitizer in the beginning and end of my day. Now, I use it before and after every class. This Corona Virus doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

How to Wash Your Hands Properly:

  1. Get soap
  2. Rub your hands together and sing happy birthday (at a nice pace and in your head) two times around
  3. Wash and rinse off the residue from your hands
  4. Get paper towels and dry your hands
  5. Get. one more paper towel and use it to open the door of the bathroom entrance/exit
  6. Dispose of your paper towel in the nearest trash can.

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