Friday, March 20, 2020

Cyber Day Thoughts

Today, not in class, we talked about how cyber school was going. For me, it's going pretty well. I'm getting about 5-6 hours of work per day. I normally start at 10am and end at around 3pm. Then, I follow my schedule and do the work in that class during its class time, so that I stay on schedule. The subject that requires the most work is either math or biology. Both of them are really time consuming. Western Civ's work is pretty relaxing. It usually takes me about half an hour to do this. English and Intro to Drawing takes about 45 minutes. Spanish and bible take about 30 minutes. The most relaxing class is probably Intro to Drawing. I can peacefully draw my objects without any distraction. At. first when Mr. Schick gave me my assignment, I saw the video clip, and I thought I was going to have to watch all 55 minutes of it. Luckily, I only had to watch a small portion of it. It was very interesting though.

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