Monday, October 28, 2019

Test Reviewed

Today in class, we reviewed the test we took Friday. I got 4 questions wrong out of 34. Below are the test questions. I got both of the bonus questions wrong. Questions #31-34 are on the previous blog.

1. What is the population of Mexico? 125,959,205
2. What is the infant mortality rate in the United States? 5.7 deaths per 100,000 live births
3. What is the infant mortality rate in Canada? 4.5 deaths per 100,000 live births
4. What percentage of Germans identify "none" as their religion? 37%
5. What is the GDP- per capita (PPP) in Finland? $44,500
6. What nation has the twentieth highest Net Migration Rate? Canada
7. How many countries in the world have over 1,000 airports? 6 countries
8. What percentage of the world's people primarily speak Arabic? 5.1%
9. What is the literacy rate for the entire world? 86.2%
10. What is the GDP per capita for the entire world? $17,500
11. What nation spends the lowest % of their GDP on military expenditures? Mauritius
12. What nation produces the most electricity in the world? China
13. How many barrels per day of crude oil does the US import? 7.969 million bbl/ per day
14. In 2018, how many worldwide deaths resulted from HIV/ AIDS? 770,000
15. What percentage of the world's population lives in North America? 4.75%
16. Crude birth rate- births per 1,000 people per year
17. Net migration rate- difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants per thousand
18. Rate of natural increase- difference between the birth rate and the death rate
19. GDP Per capita- value of goods and services divided by population
20. GDP Per capita- a measure of a country's economic output that accounts for its number of people.
21. Crude Death rate- deaths per 1,000 people per year.
22. Life expectancy- average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year.
23. Total fertility rate- average number of children born per woman
24. Maternal mortality rate- annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births from any cause related to pregnancy.
25. In 2009, Mexico had 433,000 immigrants, and 636,000 emigrants. Is their net migration rate positive or negative? Negative
26. India ha s a birth rate of 19, and a death rate of 7.3. What is their RNI? 11.70
27. Russia's TFR is 1.61 right now. Leaving any statistics about migration out of the equation, would we expect Russia's population to be rising or falling? Falling
28. Of these three nations, whose net migration rate is the highest: Canada, the United States, or Mexico? Canada
29. Whose life expectancy is highest: Afghanistan, the United States, or Monaco? Monaco
30. Whose total fertility rate is highest: CHina, Niger, or Canada? Niger

Bonus Questions:
1. What total fertility rate equals the replacement rate? 2.1
2. What is the net migration rate for the entire world? 0

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