Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Test Questions On Grid Lines And Site/Situation

Today in class, we made at least 10 test questions. Below are the test questions that I made and the answer key.
Honors Human Geography Test
Multiple Choice:
Answer the questions and write the correct letter on the line (2 points each).

1. ______ What do lines of latitude measure?
                  A. East-West             C. North-South
                  B. South-West           D. North-West
2. ______ What do lines of longitude measure?
                  A. East-West             C. North-South
                  B. South-West           D. North-West
3. ______ What line of longitude lies at 0 degrees?
                  A. Arctic Circle        C. Tropic Of Cancer
                  B. Equator                 D. Prime Meridian
4. ______ What line of latitude lies at 0 degrees?
                  A. Arctic Circle        C. Tropic Of Cancer
                  B. Equator                 D. Prime Meridian
5. ______ What are the purposes of maps?
                 A. Time Zone             C. Absolute Location
                 B. Relative Location   D. Both B and C.

Fill In The Blank:
Answer the question and fill in the correct answer in the space below (3 points each)

6. Lines of latitude are also known as __________________.
7. Lines of longitude are also known as ___________________.
8. Important site characteristics include ___________________.
9. A two dimensional or flat scale model of the Earth's surface is a _________________.
10. ___________________ run in an east-west direction and measure the distance of north and south from the equator.

Short Answer:
Answer the question in complete sentences in the space below (5 points each).

11. What are the most significant lines of latitude?
12. Where is the Tropic Of Cancer located on the map?
13. Where is the Tropic Of Capricorn located on the map?
14. Where is the Antarctic Circle located on the map?
15. Where is the Arctic Circle located on the map?

Fill in the correct definition for each word (3 points each)

16. Geography- __________________________________________________________________.
17. Site- ___________________________________________________________________.
18. Situation- ___________________________________________________________________.
19. Longitude-___________________________________________________________________.
20. Latitude-____________________________________________________________________.

Answer Key:
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. Parallels
7. Meridians
8. Climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation.
9. Map
10. Lines Of Latitude
11. Arctic Circle, Tropic Of Cancer, Equator, Tropic Of Capricorn, and Antarctic Circle.
12. 23.43 degrees north
13. 23.43 degrees south
14. 66.57 degrees south
15. 66.57 degrees north
16. The study of where things are found on Earth's surface and the reasons for the locations.
17. Physical character of a place/location.
18. Location of a place relative to other places.
19. A geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on Earth's surface.
20. A geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface.

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