Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Life Expectancy

Today in class, we talked about the life expectancy in countries between men and women. The country with the highest life expectancy is Monaco in Europe. Below is a list of a few countries and their life expectancy and reasons why women's life expectancy is higher than men.


  • High: Monaco (89.52 total: 85.63 men, 93.58 women)
  • #42: U.S (79.68 total: 77.32 men, 81.97 women)
  • Low: Chad (49.81 total: 48.64 men, 51.03 women)
Reasons Why Women Have A Higher Life Expectancy Than Men:
  • Women take care of themselves better; when they don't feel well, they go straight to the doctor.
  • Men have riskier jobs such as policeman, firefighter, and construction; women work these jobs too, but the statistics are higher with men.
  • Men work in the army; women do too, but not there aren't as many women as there are men.
Life Expectancy in the 60's Compared to present time:
  • Today's people have a higher life expectancy than people who were born in the 60's because of advanced medicine. There are more cures for diseases like cancer and more vaccines for polio and chickenpox.
  • The 60's people, however, didn't have as much processed foods and artificial flavors like we do now. They made nutritious and semi healthy dinners unlike today's people who eat fast food at least twice a week.
  • The 60's people smoked cigarettes a lot and many died from lung cancer and other lung related diseases. 
  • Today's people, however, vape and juul. The 60's didn't have that. Mr. Schick told us that the percentage of people smoking cigarettes have decreased, yet in today's times, the percentage of people vaping has increased dramatically. Vaping is taking over smoking and it is going to be a bad period in time.

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