Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Longitude/ Timelines/ And Countries!

Today in class, we took a quiz on countries in North, Central, and South America. Below are the countries and what continent they're in. We also talked about the lines of longitude. Facts about longitude will also be below.

North/Central America:                      South America:
Canada                                                Chile
United States                                       Ecuador
Mexico                                                Peru
Honduras                                            Colombia
Nicaragua                                           Venezuela
Panama                                               Paraguay
Costa Rica                                          Uruguay
El Salvador                                         Suriname
Jamaica                                               Guyana
Dominican Republic                           French Guiana
Haiti                                                    Argentina
Cuba                                                    Bolivia
Guatemala                                           Brazil

Longitude- a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on Earth's surface.

  • Measured by imaginary lines circling the Earth and running through the poles and are used to measure distance in degrees east or west from the prime meridian.
  • Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich, England, and is given the position of 0 degrees longitude.
  • they are known as meridians.
  • they run in a north-south direction.
  • are equal in length.
We also talked about time zone. 
Time zone- region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time.
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)- primary time standard by which the world regulates time.
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)- often used as a synonym for UTC.

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