Thursday, October 31, 2019
1810-1948 Population Video
Today in class, we watched another video about population. The video was called Hans Rosling: 200 years in 4 minutes. The guy, Hans Rosling, teaches us about global health. He talks about visualizing using his hands. In 1810, the population and the income that you made was low. The life expectancy was 40 years and the income was $4,000. Over the years, the population and income increased to 75 years old and $40,000. In the beginning, all of the countries were low with population and income because of the two main things. Number 1 is that this population count took place after World War II because many men died. Number 2 is that the Spanish flu epidemic spread all over. The Spanish flu epidemic was like the black plague in its time. The continents that thrived with population in 1948 are Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa. Tomorrow we have a quiz tomorrow on population and Mr. Schick told us that there will be a teacher/ moderator for class tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Population Pyramid
Today in class, we watched a video on the population pyramid. The men are on the left side and the women are on the right side. There is a five-year interval in order with infants, kids, young adults, middle age, and elders. Rwanda is very small compared to Russia however, they have around the same amount of people. Over the years, Russia's population will decrease as Rwanda's population will increase. Japan's population is decreasing. Their highest age group is the elderly. There are not many infants being born which means that there won't be any reproductive age groups giving birth to new infants. Rwanda's population is increasing because their highest age group is infants which means that there will be many reproductive age groups in the future to have more infants. Canada's population is slightly increasing. Their highest age group is the reproductive stage which means that they will have more infants in the future. Below are the age identifications and some pyramids.
0-14: pre-reproductive age group
15-44: reproductive age group
45-death: post reproductive age group
Japan's Population Pyramid

Rwanda's Population Pyramid

Canada's Population Pyramid

0-14: pre-reproductive age group
15-44: reproductive age group
45-death: post reproductive age group
Japan's Population Pyramid
Rwanda's Population Pyramid
Canada's Population Pyramid

Monday, October 28, 2019
Test Reviewed
Today in class, we reviewed the test we took Friday. I got 4 questions wrong out of 34. Below are the test questions. I got both of the bonus questions wrong. Questions #31-34 are on the previous blog.
1. What is the population of Mexico? 125,959,205
2. What is the infant mortality rate in the United States? 5.7 deaths per 100,000 live births
3. What is the infant mortality rate in Canada? 4.5 deaths per 100,000 live births
4. What percentage of Germans identify "none" as their religion? 37%
5. What is the GDP- per capita (PPP) in Finland? $44,500
6. What nation has the twentieth highest Net Migration Rate? Canada
7. How many countries in the world have over 1,000 airports? 6 countries
8. What percentage of the world's people primarily speak Arabic? 5.1%
9. What is the literacy rate for the entire world? 86.2%
10. What is the GDP per capita for the entire world? $17,500
11. What nation spends the lowest % of their GDP on military expenditures? Mauritius
12. What nation produces the most electricity in the world? China
13. How many barrels per day of crude oil does the US import? 7.969 million bbl/ per day
14. In 2018, how many worldwide deaths resulted from HIV/ AIDS? 770,000
15. What percentage of the world's population lives in North America? 4.75%
16. Crude birth rate- births per 1,000 people per year
17. Net migration rate- difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants per thousand
18. Rate of natural increase- difference between the birth rate and the death rate
19. GDP Per capita- value of goods and services divided by population
20. GDP Per capita- a measure of a country's economic output that accounts for its number of people.
21. Crude Death rate- deaths per 1,000 people per year.
22. Life expectancy- average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year.
23. Total fertility rate- average number of children born per woman
24. Maternal mortality rate- annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births from any cause related to pregnancy.
25. In 2009, Mexico had 433,000 immigrants, and 636,000 emigrants. Is their net migration rate positive or negative? Negative
26. India ha s a birth rate of 19, and a death rate of 7.3. What is their RNI? 11.70
27. Russia's TFR is 1.61 right now. Leaving any statistics about migration out of the equation, would we expect Russia's population to be rising or falling? Falling
28. Of these three nations, whose net migration rate is the highest: Canada, the United States, or Mexico? Canada
29. Whose life expectancy is highest: Afghanistan, the United States, or Monaco? Monaco
30. Whose total fertility rate is highest: CHina, Niger, or Canada? Niger
Bonus Questions:
1. What total fertility rate equals the replacement rate? 2.1
2. What is the net migration rate for the entire world? 0
1. What is the population of Mexico? 125,959,205
2. What is the infant mortality rate in the United States? 5.7 deaths per 100,000 live births
3. What is the infant mortality rate in Canada? 4.5 deaths per 100,000 live births
4. What percentage of Germans identify "none" as their religion? 37%
5. What is the GDP- per capita (PPP) in Finland? $44,500
6. What nation has the twentieth highest Net Migration Rate? Canada
7. How many countries in the world have over 1,000 airports? 6 countries
8. What percentage of the world's people primarily speak Arabic? 5.1%
9. What is the literacy rate for the entire world? 86.2%
10. What is the GDP per capita for the entire world? $17,500
11. What nation spends the lowest % of their GDP on military expenditures? Mauritius
12. What nation produces the most electricity in the world? China
13. How many barrels per day of crude oil does the US import? 7.969 million bbl/ per day
14. In 2018, how many worldwide deaths resulted from HIV/ AIDS? 770,000
15. What percentage of the world's population lives in North America? 4.75%
16. Crude birth rate- births per 1,000 people per year
17. Net migration rate- difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants per thousand
18. Rate of natural increase- difference between the birth rate and the death rate
19. GDP Per capita- value of goods and services divided by population
20. GDP Per capita- a measure of a country's economic output that accounts for its number of people.
21. Crude Death rate- deaths per 1,000 people per year.
22. Life expectancy- average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year.
23. Total fertility rate- average number of children born per woman
24. Maternal mortality rate- annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births from any cause related to pregnancy.
25. In 2009, Mexico had 433,000 immigrants, and 636,000 emigrants. Is their net migration rate positive or negative? Negative
26. India ha s a birth rate of 19, and a death rate of 7.3. What is their RNI? 11.70
27. Russia's TFR is 1.61 right now. Leaving any statistics about migration out of the equation, would we expect Russia's population to be rising or falling? Falling
28. Of these three nations, whose net migration rate is the highest: Canada, the United States, or Mexico? Canada
29. Whose life expectancy is highest: Afghanistan, the United States, or Monaco? Monaco
30. Whose total fertility rate is highest: CHina, Niger, or Canada? Niger
Bonus Questions:
1. What total fertility rate equals the replacement rate? 2.1
2. What is the net migration rate for the entire world? 0
Friday, October 25, 2019
Test Day!
Today in class, we took a test on population and settlement/ CIA World Factbook. The test consisted of short answer, matching, fill in the blank, and definitions. I think I did pretty well. There were also two bonus questions each worth 2 points. I only remember one though. I thought too much on that question when really, the answer is 0 because no one migrates to Earth. Below is the bonus question and some of the test questions I remember.
Bonus Question:
1. What is the net migration rate of the world? 0
Test Questions:
1. What are two push and two pull forces? Give a country as an example.
Bonus Question:
1. What is the net migration rate of the world? 0
Test Questions:
1. What are two push and two pull forces? Give a country as an example.
- Push Force- A push force would be a civil war. For example: Afghanistan is in a civil war, so you would probably want to leave the country for your own safety.
- Push Force- Another push force would be a no political freedom. For example: North Korea has no political freedom. They are forced to believe the same thing their neighbor believes and they are forced to believe in the same king every year.
- Pull Force- A pull force would be political freedom. For example: Greece has political freedom. They are a democracy which means that they can vote for whoever they want and most of the time, their vote matters.
- Pull Force- A pull force would be better health services. For example: The United States has better health services because they have more advanced medicine and have free health care for most jobs.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reviewing For The Test
Today in class, we reviewed for the test. The first 15 questions will be on identifying facts on CIA World Factbook. We will have 20 minutes to complete the 15 questions. Below are the big ideas that are going to be on the test. The test will consist of short answer, matching, fill in the blank, etc. Also, we might be having a debate soon once we gather enough information. The debate question: Is America the Best Country in the World?
- Pull/ Push Forces
- Developing Countries (do the math)
- Year that the world obtained 1 billion people
- Years elapsed in 1804
- Which gender lives longer?
- Why do people migrate?
- Total fertility rate
- Average fertility rate- 2.1
- GDP Information
- Crude birth rate
- Crude death rate
- Rate of Natural Increase
- Net Migration Rate
Important Key Facts:
___________________ ________________
Product = GDP (per capita)
# of People
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Pros and Cons of living in Luxembourg and living in the United States
Today in class, we talked about the CIA government website again and went over the questions and answers from last night. We have a test on Friday October 25, 2019 on population and settlement. We will also have a portion of the test on the CIA government website. Tomorrow we will be reviewing the population and settlement power point. We also talked about Luxembourg and their rankings compared to the United States. Below are the pros and cons of living in Luxembourg based on today's discussion in class.
- Makes good money
- Not in debt
- Has a surplus of money to spend on necessities.
- Low income tax
- Easy transportation
- No enemies
Cons of Living in Luxembourg:
- Cost a lot to rent houses and others
- Very expensive
- Socialist country
Pros of Living in the United States:
- democracy
- good military
- Many alibis
- Lower unemployment rate
- cheaper housing opportunities
- easy transportation
Cons of Living in the United States:
- in debt
- lower life expectancy than Luxembourg
- lower salaries
Monday, October 21, 2019
CIA Government
Today in class, we answered questions by using
the website CIA World Factbook. Below are the
questions and answers.
1. What is
the population of China, and of India?
population is 1,384,688,986 is China; The population is 1,296,834,042 in
2. What is
the total fertility rate in Japan?
The total
fertility rate in Japan is 1.42 children born per woman.
3. What is
the death rate in El Salvador?
The death
rate in El Salvador is 5.8 deaths per 1,000 population.
4. What
percentage of the French identify "none" as their religion? Is this
statistic verifiable, and why?
23-28% of the
French identify "none" as their religion. This statistic is not
verifiable because the website notes that the French maintained a secularism
and hasn't officially collected data since the 1872 national census.
5. What
percentage of Mexicans identify themselves as Roman Catholics?
82.7% of
Mexicans identify themselves as Roman Catholics.
6. What is
the GDP- per capita (PPP) in the United States?
The GDP in
the United States is 59,800 as of 2017.
7. What is
the GDP- per capita (PPP) in Nigeria?
The GDP in
Nigeria is 5,900 as of 2017.
8. What is
the GDP -per capita (PPP) in Luxembourg?
The GDP in
Luxembourg is 105,100 as of 2017.
9. What
percentage of the United States' population are internet users?
76.2% of the
United States' population are internet users.
10. What is
the number of airports in Russia, and the United States?
There are
1,218 airports in Russia and 13,513 airports in the United States.
11. How many
people in the world do not have electricity?
1.201 billion
people in the world do not have electricity.
12. What is
the infant mortality rate in Canada, Cuba, and the United States?
The infant
mortality rate in Canada is 4.5 deaths per 1,000 live births. In Cuba, the
infant mortality rate in 4.4 deaths per 1,000 live births. In the United
States, the infant mortality rate is 5.7 deaths per 1,000 live births.
13. What is
the literacy rate- total for men, and for women- in Afghanistan?
38% of the
total population can read and write in Afghanistan- 52% for males and 24.2% for
14. What
three countries have the highest life expectancy?
Japan, and Singapore have the highest life expectancies.
15. What
three countries have the lowest life expectancies?
Zambia, and Afghanistan have the lowest life expectancies.
16. What
nation has the 16th highest net migration?
Monaco has
the 16th highest net migration.
17. What is
the unemployment rate in Vietnam, South Korea, the United States, Kenya, and
In Vietnam,
the unemployment rate is 2.2%. The unemployment rate in South Korea is 3.7%.
The unemployment rate is 4.4% in the United States. In Kenya, the unemployment
rate is 40%. The unemployment rate in India is 8.5%.
18. Military
expenditures are listed by the percentage of each nation's GDP spent on defense.
What percentage is spent on Germany, China, and the United States?
1.24% is
spent on Germany. 1.87% is spent on China. 3.16% is spent on the United States.
19. What
three countries produce the most crude oil, and how much do they produce?
The United
States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia are the three countries that produce the most
oil. The United States produces 10.962 million bbl. per day. Russia produces
10.759 million bbl. per day. Saudi Arabia produces 10.425 million bbl. per day.
20. What
three countries import the most crude oil, and how much do they import?
The United
States, China, and India are the countries that import the most crude oil. The
United States imports 7.969 million bbl. per day. China imports 6.71 million bbl.
per day. India 4.057 million bbl. per day.
21. What
percentage of the world's people speak Spanish? Chinese? English?
6% of the
world's people speak Spanish. 12.3% of the world's people speak Chinese. 5.1%
of the world's people speak English.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Crude Birth Rate and Crude Death rate/ Migration
Today in class, we talked about measuring the population using crude birth and crude death rate. Crude birth rate is the number of births per 1,000 of the population. Crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 of the population. Below is the rate of natural increase (RNI) information.
Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)
Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)
- produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate.
- this gives us the annual natural growth- in percentage form- for a country or a region.
But don't forget about migration:
Net migration rate- the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year.
Why do people migrate?
Push Forces:
- Civil War
- Environmental Degradation
- Unemployment
- Religious or ethnic persecution
Pull Forces:
- better economic opportunities
- better health services
- religious freedom
- political freedom
We also talked about China and its law saying that you can only have one child. They created the law because it was overpopulated by a large amount. They believed that if they created the law of only one child per family, then it will decrease the population percentage. And it worked. The population percentage decreased dramatically. China is still overpopulated, but its population has decreased to make it available to repeal the law now. Now in China, they can have more than one child unlike previous years where they either had to not have more than one child or if they did, put them up for adoption so that they can have better life opportunities in places like the U.S or Canada. India, however, is becoming overpopulated because they didn't have the law that CHina had. They kept on allowing families to have 4-5 children. Now it's becoming a problem and Mr. Schick said that before we go to college, India will be the country with the highest population. It will overtake China. We will have a test on everything that we've covered and more around Friday, October 25.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Life Expectancy
Today in class, we talked about the life expectancy in countries between men and women. The country with the highest life expectancy is Monaco in Europe. Below is a list of a few countries and their life expectancy and reasons why women's life expectancy is higher than men.
- High: Monaco (89.52 total: 85.63 men, 93.58 women)
- #42: U.S (79.68 total: 77.32 men, 81.97 women)
- Low: Chad (49.81 total: 48.64 men, 51.03 women)
Reasons Why Women Have A Higher Life Expectancy Than Men:
- Women take care of themselves better; when they don't feel well, they go straight to the doctor.
- Men have riskier jobs such as policeman, firefighter, and construction; women work these jobs too, but the statistics are higher with men.
- Men work in the army; women do too, but not there aren't as many women as there are men.
Life Expectancy in the 60's Compared to present time:
- Today's people have a higher life expectancy than people who were born in the 60's because of advanced medicine. There are more cures for diseases like cancer and more vaccines for polio and chickenpox.
- The 60's people, however, didn't have as much processed foods and artificial flavors like we do now. They made nutritious and semi healthy dinners unlike today's people who eat fast food at least twice a week.
- The 60's people smoked cigarettes a lot and many died from lung cancer and other lung related diseases.
- Today's people, however, vape and juul. The 60's didn't have that. Mr. Schick told us that the percentage of people smoking cigarettes have decreased, yet in today's times, the percentage of people vaping has increased dramatically. Vaping is taking over smoking and it is going to be a bad period in time.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Test Reviewed
Today in class, we reviewed the test. I got a 20 out of 27 which means I got 7 problems wrong. Below are the problem that I got wrong. Out of Mr. Schick's classes, no one got this question right: 93.154 degrees N, 95.599 degrees E is what kind of location? I put absolute location, but it was a trick question. There is no such thing as 93 degrees because the poles are 90 degrees. The correct answer was neither. Since none of us got the question right, Mr. Schick gave us all 2 points (very nice). We also talked about the PSATs. We don't need to worry too much about the PSATs because colleges don't look at it. The PSATs are helpful because they tell you what you need to work on.
14. The Midwest- C
the correct answer- A
15. The Southpole- A
the correct answer- B
18. Tiananmen Square, China- A
the correct answer- B
19. 93.154 degrees N, 95.599 degrees E- B
the correct answer- C
22. How was each time zone initially measured? - A
the correct answer- D
26. The UTC for the Eastern Time Zone in the United States is expressed as- C
the correct answer- D
27. On Sunday, November 3, 2019, most places in the United States will- A
the correct answer- B
14. The Midwest- C
the correct answer- A
15. The Southpole- A
the correct answer- B
18. Tiananmen Square, China- A
the correct answer- B
19. 93.154 degrees N, 95.599 degrees E- B
the correct answer- C
22. How was each time zone initially measured? - A
the correct answer- D
26. The UTC for the Eastern Time Zone in the United States is expressed as- C
the correct answer- D
27. On Sunday, November 3, 2019, most places in the United States will- A
the correct answer- B
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Population and Settlement
Today in class, we did any homework from previous classes because we were waiting for David to take the test. I did my spanish homework and then I started copying the notes from Mr. Schick's power point on his blog. In my opinion, this unit of population and settlement is better than maps. Below are the notes from the powerpoint that we covered today.
People of the land:
People of the land:
- over 7.6 billion people on the planet right now.
- increasing by over 73 million lives per year.
- by approximately 200,000 per day.
- 8,377 per hour.
- 149 per minute.
- 2.5 per second
- 90% of this population growth takes the place in the developing countries of Africa, South Asia, East Asia, and Latin America.
Here is the website we went on today that gave us information about the birth and death rate of the United States compared to the birth rate of the world.
It was a very interesting website. For every 8 seconds, a baby is born in the United States and for every 11 seconds, a person is killed. And for every 34 seconds, one international migrant is coming to the U.S. As of July 1, 2019, the top ten populous countries (in order from most to least) are China, India, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, and Mexico.
- China- 1,389,618,778
- India- 1,311,559,204
- United States- 331,883,986
- Indonesia- 264,935,824
- Pakistan- 210,797,836
- Brazil- 210,301,591
- Nigeria- 208,679,114
- Bangladesh- 161,062,905
- Russia- 141,944,641
- Mexico- 127,318,112
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Test Day!
Today in class, we took a test. I thought that I had done pretty well until I checked my grade:( I got a pretty low grade and it took my average from a 98% to a 90%. I am going to have to work harder to keep my grade an A. Thankfully, I still have the rest of October until first quarter ends. I now realize that I have to work harder than I thought. I'm glad I realized this sooner and not later, or else I would be in a pickle. We didn't get the test back, but I'm pretty sure I know which ones I got wrong. I think that I got the absolute location and relative location questions wrong, and I know that I got daylight savings time wrong because we discussed that one in class. Spring forward, fall back. I forgot that saying and I said that the clock moves up an hour instead of back an hour. I got clarification about it on the way home from school. Hopefully I will have learned my lesson for the next test.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Today in class, we reviewed for the test tomorrow. Mr. Schick told us some key points about the test tomorrow. We need to know the definition of cartography and maps, time zones (UTC abbreviation), parallels, and meridians. The test will contain multiple choice questions. Mr. Schick also told us that he believes that we'll do well on the test tomorrow as long as we study. If we study, we'll do well. If we don't, then we'll do bad and Mr. Schick will watch us "drown" and wait for the bubbles to stop popping up. We talked about the difference between absolute location and relative location. Absolute location is the position as expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds of longitude and latitude (the exact location of a place). Relative location is the regional position or situation of a place relative to the position of other places. I hope I do well on the test. Today was Hawaiian day and many people dressed up.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Test Reviewing/Pop Quiz
Today in class, we took a pop quiz. I did not do well. But it definitely helped me to understand time. We also went over the test questions we made yesterday. We went over David and my questions. Mr. Schick that my questions were very well. David's questions were also very well. He had a map on his in French. So, in a way, we also had a French lesson. We had to identify what country it was based on the coordinates of longitude and latitude. It was very educational. One of the questions asked you what country is located at 57 degrees north and 25 degrees east? It was Estonia. His map was really cool. You learn something new every day. We will have a test on Monday, October 7, 2019. Today is Mean Girls Appreciation Day. I watched them out of order. I watched the second movie first. All I can remember about the second one is that someone gets hit by a bus in the end.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Test Questions On Grid Lines And Site/Situation
Today in class, we made at least 10 test questions. Below are the test questions that I made and the answer key.
1. ______ What do lines of latitude measure?
A. East-West C. North-South
B. South-West D. North-West
2. ______ What do lines of longitude measure?
A. East-West C. North-South
B. South-West D. North-West
3. ______ What line of longitude lies at 0 degrees?
A. Arctic Circle C. Tropic Of Cancer
B. Equator D. Prime Meridian
4. ______ What line of latitude lies at 0 degrees?
A. Arctic Circle C. Tropic Of Cancer
B. Equator D. Prime Meridian
5. ______ What are the purposes of maps?
A. Time Zone C. Absolute Location
B. Relative Location D. Both B and C.
Fill In The Blank:
Answer the question and fill in the correct answer in the space below (3 points each)
6. Lines of latitude are also known as __________________.
7. Lines of longitude are also known as ___________________.
8. Important site characteristics include ___________________.
9. A two dimensional or flat scale model of the Earth's surface is a _________________.
10. ___________________ run in an east-west direction and measure the distance of north and south from the equator.
Short Answer:
Answer the question in complete sentences in the space below (5 points each).
11. What are the most significant lines of latitude?
12. Where is the Tropic Of Cancer located on the map?
13. Where is the Tropic Of Capricorn located on the map?
14. Where is the Antarctic Circle located on the map?
15. Where is the Arctic Circle located on the map?
Fill in the correct definition for each word (3 points each)
16. Geography- __________________________________________________________________.
17. Site- ___________________________________________________________________.
18. Situation- ___________________________________________________________________.
19. Longitude-___________________________________________________________________.
20. Latitude-____________________________________________________________________.
Answer Key:
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. Parallels
7. Meridians
8. Climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation.
9. Map
10. Lines Of Latitude
11. Arctic Circle, Tropic Of Cancer, Equator, Tropic Of Capricorn, and Antarctic Circle.
12. 23.43 degrees north
13. 23.43 degrees south
14. 66.57 degrees south
15. 66.57 degrees north
16. The study of where things are found on Earth's surface and the reasons for the locations.
17. Physical character of a place/location.
18. Location of a place relative to other places.
19. A geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on Earth's surface.
20. A geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface.
Honors Human Geography Test
Multiple Choice:
Answer the questions and write the correct letter on the line (2 points each).1. ______ What do lines of latitude measure?
A. East-West C. North-South
B. South-West D. North-West
2. ______ What do lines of longitude measure?
A. East-West C. North-South
B. South-West D. North-West
3. ______ What line of longitude lies at 0 degrees?
A. Arctic Circle C. Tropic Of Cancer
B. Equator D. Prime Meridian
4. ______ What line of latitude lies at 0 degrees?
A. Arctic Circle C. Tropic Of Cancer
B. Equator D. Prime Meridian
5. ______ What are the purposes of maps?
A. Time Zone C. Absolute Location
B. Relative Location D. Both B and C.
Fill In The Blank:
Answer the question and fill in the correct answer in the space below (3 points each)
6. Lines of latitude are also known as __________________.
7. Lines of longitude are also known as ___________________.
8. Important site characteristics include ___________________.
9. A two dimensional or flat scale model of the Earth's surface is a _________________.
10. ___________________ run in an east-west direction and measure the distance of north and south from the equator.
Short Answer:
Answer the question in complete sentences in the space below (5 points each).
11. What are the most significant lines of latitude?
12. Where is the Tropic Of Cancer located on the map?
13. Where is the Tropic Of Capricorn located on the map?
14. Where is the Antarctic Circle located on the map?
15. Where is the Arctic Circle located on the map?
Fill in the correct definition for each word (3 points each)
16. Geography- __________________________________________________________________.
17. Site- ___________________________________________________________________.
18. Situation- ___________________________________________________________________.
19. Longitude-___________________________________________________________________.
20. Latitude-____________________________________________________________________.
Answer Key:
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. Parallels
7. Meridians
8. Climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation.
9. Map
10. Lines Of Latitude
11. Arctic Circle, Tropic Of Cancer, Equator, Tropic Of Capricorn, and Antarctic Circle.
12. 23.43 degrees north
13. 23.43 degrees south
14. 66.57 degrees south
15. 66.57 degrees north
16. The study of where things are found on Earth's surface and the reasons for the locations.
17. Physical character of a place/location.
18. Location of a place relative to other places.
19. A geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on Earth's surface.
20. A geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Longitude/ Timelines/ And Countries!
Today in class, we took a quiz on countries in North, Central, and South America. Below are the countries and what continent they're in. We also talked about the lines of longitude. Facts about longitude will also be below.
North/Central America: South America:
Canada Chile
United States Ecuador
Mexico Peru
Honduras Colombia
Nicaragua Venezuela
Panama Paraguay
Costa Rica Uruguay
El Salvador Suriname
Jamaica Guyana
Dominican Republic French Guiana
Haiti Argentina
Cuba Bolivia
Guatemala Brazil
Longitude- a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on Earth's surface.
North/Central America: South America:
Canada Chile
United States Ecuador
Mexico Peru
Honduras Colombia
Nicaragua Venezuela
Panama Paraguay
Costa Rica Uruguay
El Salvador Suriname
Jamaica Guyana
Dominican Republic French Guiana
Haiti Argentina
Cuba Bolivia
Guatemala Brazil
Longitude- a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on Earth's surface.
- Measured by imaginary lines circling the Earth and running through the poles and are used to measure distance in degrees east or west from the prime meridian.
- Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich, England, and is given the position of 0 degrees longitude.
- they are known as meridians.
- they run in a north-south direction.
- are equal in length.
We also talked about time zone.
Time zone- region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time.
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)- primary time standard by which the world regulates time.
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)- often used as a synonym for UTC.
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