Friday, May 15, 2020

The Punic Wars

Today, not in class, we talked about the Punic Wars (very interesting). The Punic Wars were fought from 264-146 BCE, and they consisted of 3 wars. Rome was fighting Carthage for power. In the first Punic War, the navy battles for control of the island Sicily (strategically located), and Rome wins this one. In the second Punic War, a Carthaginian general, Hannibal, tries to take Rome. He attacks Rome from the north after crossing Spain and the Alps on an elephant. His army lays siege to a lot of the peninsula for 15 years. However, he never gets to Rome. By the time of the third war, Carthage is losing badly to Rome. Rome 's army attacked Carthage and destroyed their buildings/ city walls. Whoever (from Carthage) was not killed by the war were sold into slavery (about 50,000). The war has ended, and Rome had won. Carthage was made into a Roman province of Africa.

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