Thursday, May 7, 2020

Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome

Today, not in class, we listened to a song about Rome. It is fascinating how these singers can take information about Rome, make it rhyme, and incorporate it into a catchy song. Mr. Schick picks very cool songs that teach us about western civilization. I like this song more than the song about Mesopotamia. I've probably heard it about 5 times today (very cool song). It talks about the farmers and other plebeians afraid of the senators and other patricians. Julius Caesar was murdered by Brutus and the Senate. After Caesar's death, Octavian took over; he trusted Mark Antony until he met Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt in 51-30 BCE. Pax Romana brings cheer to people. Gladiator battles are very common in Rome, especially in the Circus Maximus. The battles could get very gory and violent. Thanks to this song, now I know a lot about Rome. I wish all teachers would use songs as teaching techniques.


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