Friday, May 29, 2020

Octavian "Augustus"

Today, not in class, we took notes on ancient Rome. For the last week of school, we are going to finish our essay, take our test, and write a letter to your future self, describing what has happened during COVID-19 (should be interesting). After Caesar was assassinated, his grandnephew/ adopted son, Octavian, takes over the throne at age 18. He forms his own triumvirate with Mark Antony, an experienced general, and Lepidus, a powerful politician. However, this triumvirate didn't last long. Octavian forces Lepidus to retire and becomes rivals with Mark, so Mark decides to team up with Cleopatra. Octavian and Mark go to war against each other, and Octavian defeats them at the Battle of Actium. Now that Octavian's on his own, he is the unchallenged ruler of Rome and is given the title of "Augustus"- the exalted one- and "imperator." Now, Rome is an empire, not a republic. He ruled Rome for 40 years and began a stable era of peace known as the Pax Romana (207 years long).

Here are the many accomplishments of Octavian:

  • expanded the Roman empire into Africa.
  • set up civil services to run the government
  • built a network of roads
  • collected taxes
  • established a postal service
  • administered the grain supply
  • built public facilities
  • formed a police department
  • ran a fire-fighting organization
He died of natural causes in 14 AD. After him, power was passed on to emperors- Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. Tiberius was an excellent general, but a reluctant emperor. He exiled himself from Rome after the death of his son. Caligula was a cruel tyrant. He won power after Tiberius' death. Senators, groups of praetorian guards, and the imperial court assassinated him to try to re-establish the republic, yet it didn't work. Claudius suffered from numerous infirmities, possibly due to cerebral palsy. He ruled well- built roads, aqueducts, canals, and started the conquest of Britain. He took over because he was the last adult male in his family. He died of poisoning, which is what his last wife's plan was because she wanted her son, Nero, to take over the throne. Nero emphasized on the arts. There was a huge fire, and he wanted to rebuild Rome to look more majestic. However, he overspent and ransacked temples for money. Historians aren't fans of him.

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