Thursday, May 21, 2020

Essay Choice: Comparison Between Rome and the United States' Government

Today, not in class, we chose our essay topic. My essay topic will be on choice A: Compare and Contrast the government of ancient Rome with the government of the modern-day United States. It seems like a very interesting topic to research. Not only will I learn more about ancient Rome's government, but I will also learn more about the United States government. These two countries are similar in a couple of ways like the fact that they both had the 3 branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial) and a legal code. However, each branch of government was different than the United States' branch. There were two consuls (executive) in ancient Rome's government, but our government has a president (and vice president). Rome's senate consisted of 300 people, while our senate has 100 people. Rome's judicial branch praetors were chosen by the Centuriate Assembly, while our members are appointed by the president. So yes, Rome's government is similar to the United States government, yet different at the same time.

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