Friday, February 14, 2020

The Allegory of the Cave Pt 2

Today in class, we watched a video on Plato's story: The Allegory of the Cave. Below are the notes from the video and the link to the video. The video was pretty good. It took 45 minutes to get through one video consisting of 6 minutes:)

  • Plato's philosophy- the effect of education and the lack of it on our nature
  • The prisoners thought the shadows were real; the shadows were created by casting light from the fire onto the wall.
  • One of the prisoners leaves the cave into the burning sunlight.
  • Once his eyes adjust, he can see the real world, and not just from looking at the shadows.
  • He sees a real wolf, the real sun, and other real things.
  • Then the guy feels guilty and goes back into the cave to tell the other prisoners about the outside world.
  • The other prisoners mock him and plot to kill him (poor guy) :(
Video Link-

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