Friday, February 7, 2020

Test Day!!! Greece

Today in class, we took a test. I did not do as well as I thought I would. We are moving on to Greece now. Below are some of the notes from the book.

  • Ancient Greece consisted mainly of a mountainous peninsula and jutting on the Mediterranean Sea; the sea shaped Greek civilization.
  • In a sense, the Greeks didn't live on land, but around sea.
  • The Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, and the Black Sea acted as important transportation routes.
  • Sea trade was very important because the Greeks lacked natural resources.
  • 3/4 of ancient Greece was rugged mountains.
  • Instead of a single government, the Greeks developed small independent communities within each little valley and the mountain that separates it from the rest of the country.
  • Because of the uneven terrain, it made land transportation hard.
  • there were not many roads; the roads that they did have were mostly made up of dirt.
  • The mountains also made farming difficult (very few fertile valleys for farming).
  • Because of the farming difficulty, Greece was never able to support a large population.
  • In the summer, the 80-degree (Fahrenheit) weather allowed the Greeks to hang outside.
  • Mycenaeans- a group of people (Indo-European) who settled in Greece were from Mycenae which is located in southern Greece.
  • Mycenae is surrounded by a protective wall keeping enemies out, and the Mycenaean rulers controlled cities like Athens.
  • The Mycenaeans came into contact with the Minoans.
  • They saw the value of seaborne trade and traveled throughout the eastern Mediterranean.
  • They adapted the Minoan writing system to the Greek language, and decorated vases with Minoan designs.
  • This art was the beginning of the Greek religious practice.

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