Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Today in class, we finished up on ancient Greece part 1 notes. We will have a test tomorrow consisting of multiple choice, short answer, and fill in a map of Greece. Below are the notes from today's power point. The test will cover slides 1-32 from Mr. Schick's power point and pg. 123-133 from the textbook.

Cleisthenes- definitely a member of the elite; very rich

  • insulated from the "hoi polloi"
  • crafty politician
  • saw the value of tapping into the talents, intelligence, and energies of the non- aristocrats... if only he gave women some power.
  • What Cleisthenes did was a huge step forward- getting "regular folks" involved in governing.
  • citizens could participate- but only 1/5 of Athenians were citizens (free adult male property owners born in Athens)
After several years... direct democracy
  • where the state is ruled by citizens
  • rule is based on citizenship
  • majority rule decides on the vote
  • in the agora, citizens argued, made speeches, and then voted with white stone for yes and black stones for no

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