Thursday, April 30, 2020

Patricians V.S Plebeians

Today, not in class, we compared the differences between the Roman patricians and the plebeians. The patricians were wealthy people of Rome who got a lot of power. They were allowed to make laws, own property, and lead their army. The plebeians, on the other hand, were known as the commoners of Rome. They worked as farmers, artisans, merchants, etc. They were allowed to vote, but they couldn't have a government job. However, after a while, they were allowed to form assemblies and elect tribunes to represent them. The tribunes helped the plebeians protected their creators of the assemblies by conserving their rights from the patricians' brutality. In the Greek versions, patricians were from the wealthy/upper class, and the plebeians were from the lower/commoner class. Patricians got everything while the plebeians had to work for their lives. The plebeians are more useful than the patricians when it comes to helping others. While the patricians sit on their thrones, looking down on the commoners, the plebeians are helping form a better society.

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