Friday, April 3, 2020

Greek Architecture

Today, not in class, we talked about Greek architecture. Below are the notes. I am looking forward to spring break without having to do any work for a whole week.

The Parthenon is a famous temple that was built to honor Athena. It took 9 years to build. The base is made out of marble and there are about 25 columns. There are 8 columns on the east and 17 on the north and south. There are many chambers in the Parthenon including a cella (interior rectangular chamber). The sculptures in the Parthenon represent battles between gods and giants, Greeks and centaurs, and Greeks and Amazons.

The temple of Zeus was the largest structure in Greece. The columns are made out marble and the columns surround a cella. In the cella, there are two large statues, a gold statue of Zeus and a replica of Zeus. Over time, the columns started to collapse. Now, there are only 15 columns left; there used to be 104.


1 comment:

  1. You always do such great work, whether in class or "not in class." I hope the break has been relaxing for you - you have earned it!
