Friday, April 17, 2020

Plato's Best/Worst Ideas

Today, not in class, we watched a video on Plato's best/worst ideas. Below are the questions, answers, and a link to the video. It was a very interesting video. It told us that Plato was hoping to create a utopia in Greece.

1. How did Plato define The Form?

Forms from Plato's perspective were "ideal versions of the things and concepts we see around us

2. Who are the 3 groups in Plato's ideal society?
Producers, military and rulers are the 3 groups in Plato's ideal society.

3. What were Plato's thoughts on women?
He often compared them to children and thought that a woman's woman was a live animal that ran across the body and caused illness.

4. What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed?
He declared that all humans are either born with gold (60%), silver (19%), or a mixture of brass (14%) and iron (7%) in their souls. This would determine our roles in our life.

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