Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Midterm Exam Essay (Option A) Part 2

Today in class, we continued to work on our essay. Mr. Schick told us that we can use an index card to write a couple key facts that we might want to add into our essay. Below is the second part of my essay. I have one more thing to do and that is the ending paragraph.

Second of all, Lebanon’s population is dramatically decreasing. They are currently at the bottom of the list for the net migration rate. More people are leaving the country than they are entering the country. Overtime, their population rate will deteriorate to almost nothing. However, like Italy, they can increase their net migration rate by advertising beautiful local attractions and exotic foods. This way, the country will be able to increase their population rate.

Third of all, India’s population is dramatically increasing. They are currently the second largest country in the world. Since China passed the One child per family law, they have stopped the population rate from rapidly increasing whereas India is doing nothing to slow down their population growth rate. Overtime, India will overtake China as the country with highest population. However, they can pass a law that states that you can only have 2 children instead of 5 per family. This law will stop India from overpopulation.

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