Thursday, December 5, 2019

DANGER Talk/ Khan Academy Video on the Demographic Transition

Today in class, we talked about DANGER and the demographic transition. First, we had a big talk about why the teachers need to keep their doors closed and locked. It's because if someone decided to break in, they would have to unlock it first which will give us time to escape. Mr. Schick told us that he's the one who protects us if something bad like that happens. Then he grabbed the stapler and accidentally stapled his finger. It started bleeding and eventually stopped. Then he tried to do the same thing with a pair of scissors and almost cut himself. Thankfully, he didn't get cut. We suggested that he should throw his drink at them, but he said he wouldn't have anything to drink then. He likes coffee. We also talked about the Khan Academy video. Below are the rest of the notes on the stages in the demographic transition.

Stage 2- The birth rate continues to grow rapidly, but the death rate slowly decreases.
Stage 3- The birth rate starts to fall and the death rate keeps decreases.
Stage 5- The birth rate is very low and the death rate is very low also making the population stabilized. This is when there are fewer young people than there are old people.

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