90% of the population growth in the world today is taking place in certain regions. Which of the following is NOT one of these regions?
a) Africa d) East Asia
b) Latin America e) South Asia
c) Europe
Which country is represented here? Population: 326,474,013

a) Jamaica d) United States
b) Japan e) Chad
c) China
Which of these four countries has the longest life expectancy?
a) United States c) Mexico
b) Japan d) Kenya
Which continent has the highest crude birth rate?
a) Africa d) North America
b) Europe e) Asia
c) South America
Developing nations that are farther along in the industrialization process begin to see a decline in their birth rate. Which of the following is NOT a reason for this decline?
a) Increased education c) A move from rural to urban living
b) More opportunities for women d) A decrease in the GDP per capita
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