Thursday, November 7, 2019

Developing/ Post Industrial Countries

Today in class, we gathered into groups to pick two countries, one developing country and one post industrial country. Mr. Schick had the captains pick secretly and then read the names out of order, so that people won't feel bad if they got picked last. The people in my group are Caroline Kozera, Lizzy Paul, Emily Nelson, and Ramona Lavarias. I am happy with my group. We picked Puerto Rico as a developing country and we picked Italy as a post industrial country. We got a few facts down for each, but we still have a long way to go. Below are the facts on Puerto Rico and Italy.

Problems in Puerto Rico:

  • Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in 2017.
  • Hurricane Maria caused power outages to 90% of the island.
  • Budget is too small to restore the economic growth and buildings.

Problems in Italy:
  • Structure of the government makes it hard to make any changes to the government.
  • The government's problems include labor market inefficiencies, a slow judicial system, and a weak banking sector.
  • The public debt

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