Monday, November 4, 2019

Population and Prediction

Today in class, we had to find five pieces of information that reflect our studies in population and migration. We also have to find population pyramids of five different countries and predict whether their population will increase or decrease. Lastly, we will check our prediction accuracy on Below is the work that we have to do today.

Facts on Population:

1. Spanish is the 4th most spoken language of the world with 7.1% of the country using it. This fact is very interesting to me because I expected spanish to be the 2nd or 3rd most spoken language. It is very interesting how more people speak Hindi than Spanish. This fact relates to the work we've been doing in class because we've been talking about the percentage of people in each country and the greatest country in our opinion. Language is a big part of population.

2. The total fertility rate of the world is 2.42 children born/women. It's interesting because that means that the population is increasing by .32%. It relates to the work we've been doing in class because we've been talking about the total fertility rate. The average is 2.1 which means that the TFR of the world is increasing.

3. Niger has the highest total fertility rate of 6.35 children born/women. That means that their population is dramatically increase by 4.25%. It's very intriguing that they have the highest fertility rate but not the highest population. It relates to the work we've been doing in class because on one of Mr. Schick's slides, he talks about the TFR in the U.S, Nigeria, and Japan.

4. Monaco is the country with the highest life expectancy of 89.40 years. It's very interesting because it's population is low compared to the U.S, yet it has a higher life expectancy than the U.S. It relates to the work we've been doing in class because we've been talking about life expectancy in Honors Human Geography.

5. Luxembourg has no enemies as of right now and they aren't in debt. It's very interesting because it has a surplus of money to "burn", yet its population is not as high as the U.S which is in debt as of right now. It relates to the work we've been doing in class because we've been talking about who the greatest country is and Luxembourg was brought into the conversation.

Population Pyramids:

 population pyramid   
Prediction: The population in China will slowly increase because there's not as much pre reproductive age groups to have many kids, yet there are still people in the reproductive age group right now to have kids.
Correct Answer: The population in China will slowly increase for a couple decades and then slowly decrease around the year of 2040.

population pyramid
Prediction: The population in Japan will decrease because there's more people in the post reproductive age groups than there are in the pre reproductive age groups, meaning that there won't be as many children born as there will be people dying.
Correct Answer: The population is decreasing in Japan and by the year of 2100, their population will be very low.

population pyramid

prediction: The population in Vietnam will increase because there's more people in the pre reproductive and reproductive age group than there are of the post reproductive age group. The birth of children will increase.
Correct Answer: The population in Vietnam will increase dramatically until the year of 2065 which it will then slowly decrease.

population pyramid
Prediction: The population in South Korea will slowly decrease because there aren't as many people in the pre reproductive and reproductive age groups as there are in the post reproductive age groups. The birth of children will slow down.
Correct Answer: The population in South Korea will slowly increase until the year of 2040 which it will then slowly decrease.

population pyramid
Prediction: The population in the United States will increase because there are more people in the pre reproductive and reproductive age groups than there are in the post reproductive age groups. The birth rate of children will increase.
Correct Answer: The population in the United States will increase for a few decades.

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