Friday, November 1, 2019

Hans Rosling Video Quiz

Today in class, we took a test on Hans Rosling: 200 years in 4 minutes video. I did pretty well. I think that I got 2 wrong. I don't remember all of the questions, but I do remember some of them. Below are the questions and answers. Also, Mr. Hollin came in today. I don't remember #3 or #8-10

1. What is the vertical axis on the graph in the video called? Life Expectancy
2. What is the horizontal axis on the graph in the video called? GDP Per Capita
4. What was the major thing that happened that made the life expectancy rise? Industrial Revolution.
5. What is one thing that had an impact on the life expectancy? World War 1
6. What is another thing that had an impact on the life expectancy? Spanish Flu Epidemic
7. According to Hans Rosling, what was the country with the lowest life expectancy as of 2009? Congo

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